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Awes sauce

Short for Awesome sauce

Awesome sauce: Anything and everything that has to do with awesome.

Sam: I found 20$ on the ground today!

Aziz: Awes sauce!

by Snapod September 20, 2011

Prodigy AW

A prodigy, a genius, a class president, a hottie ;)

Nobody is more pro than Prodigy AW!!!

by Prodigy's Fan June 1, 2010

awful bloke

An absolutely contemptible human being, who has long ago crossed the fine line between being a decent lad and being a despicable human being. Known for doing horrific things to other people, especially under the influence of alcohol.

"Jon Strang is an awful bloke - I mean, it's all fair to get horrendously wrecked, but shitting on half the doorsteps in Chelsea and abusing complete strangers on a bus takes it too far."

by nyucollij March 9, 2012

wick awes

abbreviation for wicked awesome.

Used mainly in New England, particularly in the Boston area.

That championship game last night was wick awes for sure.

by Ray-Jay June 29, 2007

aw dang

Aw dang is the word that you say when you are slightly disappointed, but you don't care much about it.

If you are very disappointed, you will not use this word.

Also, if you, for example, don't make a part you really hoped for, you would most likely not use this word. However, if your friend doesn't make the part in a play they wanted, it would make sense to say aw dang. This said, you could also use this word when you are truly sad, but don't want anyone to know (see example two).

This word is closely related to the word oh dang.

Example One
Rob: I failed my math test!
Kristy: Aw dang!

Example Two
Shennelle: Aw dang! I let in three goals!

Suzie: You don't care?
Shennelle: Nah, it's just a game!

Shennelle (on the inside): OH MY GOSH I LOST THE GAME FOR US ALL!

by Doyouknowthewordsthatiknow? December 24, 2018

awful sinclair

The act of eating an ass, while taking a poop.

The other day I was so hungry that I gave an awful sinclair...but it didn't feed the need.

by Johnnyconrad1986 February 27, 2017

Satan Awful

Something really horrible, unpleasant or abominable.

I had woken up from nightmares of that Satan Awful Scary Maze game.

by MASTUH OSCG 8845 IS BACK September 16, 2022