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Angus is A cute, Kind, Caring man/ boy who is amazing at making friends and sometimes playing sports.

Angus was playing basketball on Saturday and his team won the game.

by Elouise July 3, 2022


If you meet a angus stay away he has smegma and will infect you

Girl "I just Met a Angus"
Boy "Really did he smell"
Girl "Oh God your infected"

by Mr.Ummmmmmmm June 21, 2018


Angus has a giant dick and all the girls think he is soo hot

Girl 1: look that man has a giant dick and is so hot

Girl 2: his name must be Angus

by Big man give blowjob August 31, 2021


A wonderful, charismatic guy who always knows how to make you laugh. So loving and kind hearted that once you’ve had the luck of knowing him you’ll never want to lose him. Very attractive so gets a lot of female attention but either doesn’t know it or doesn’t let it go to his head - a rare and valuable man to have the pleasure of loving :)

Angus is the love of my life

by MidgetBean October 5, 2023


Angus is a word used to describe a weak and pathetic person alike a snail or a slug he is usually the smallist in any group and shows slight signs of autistism

My brother is a angus

by Ryan mcGregor January 16, 2019


Small and pathetically weak like a slug or a snail and is incredibly attracted to pleople names becky

Oh that moth is an angus

by Ryan mcGregor January 16, 2019


Angus is a always an amazing friend or pet that will always have someone’s back and is not an asshole

I love my cat angus he always has my friend Jacob’s back :)

by Phatassandsass November 27, 2021