An individual who has the means or knowledge to complete a task but lacks direction to complete it.
Jeremy is going to be a headless arrow taking that test tomorrow.
A youtuber. Arrow Republic makes minecraft content, and is not popular yet. One of the better plays of the Bedroxk edition of Minecraft, Arrow deserves at least a million subs. Maybe help by subbing to him here at Arrow Republic on YouTube. Search 'Arrow Republic' and it is the one that is a red background with an arrow foreground.
Arrow Republic: Arrow Republic is so good, I want to be like him!
This term is used when a male has needed to urinate for a long period of time, causing a sudden stinging/burning pain in the tip of the Penis.
Dang, we've been hiking for hours now. I've got a stingin' arrow head from waiting to use the bathroom.
I need to use the bathroom first, I've got a stinging arrow head bro.
An automated crossbow that instantly fires arrows.
Arrow guns are great for tower defense games.
The nicest, best dog you will ever meet.
Arrow The Dog, he's my favorite.