Something no child is born as, just like no child is born as a teacher. Just like being a teacher is a job and not who somebody is, a kid becomes conditioned to be something like a student athlete when their mother or father pay for a school that gets them adjusted to life after 18, but its not who they are. Really who a kid is born as, is who they were born to be and what they were born to be, and the rest is added on (often not for the better).
He/she identifies as a student athlete, some other kids might even know him/her as a student athlete, but nobody is a student athlete 24 hours of every day no matter how much time they have to put into a sport or what they're learning about. During their time sitting at a dinner table or being around the house is he/she a mouthy cunt or a cocky pretty boy faggot that enjoys instigating with family and people they know well?