A term used by slimy modern media outlets to try and in-still fear in the general public over a organized pandemic. Can also be linked back to for-profit agencies
Hey, people aren’t getting vaccinated fast enough so let’s try to in-still fear in them through creating the term “viral blizzard”
The idea of cold heartedness from an outside perspective
Person1: That dude had a total Blizzard Hearts when he met that girl.
Person2: Yeah, that dude is a total scamp.
Where you cum into a fan and your partner sits on the other side trying to avoid the cum
I caught that guy trying to give my wife a Texan blizzard
A sc tower in ring 5. The final stretch is easier than it should be.
Tower of Icy Blizzards is so damn foggy wtf
When a female wizard explosively queefs large quantities of blizz (a mixture of jizz and blood). Usually it involves magic spells, also.
Dude, I gotta quit dropping acid. I swear just saw a quizzard blizzard.
Inundated by a large number of texts
I just got a text blizzard. I wish she wouldn’t send so many texts in such a short period of time!
A very gay guy. Usually likes Cleveland steamers
That new gay guy is a real Blizzard Man