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Burn to me

Adverb: 1. when something embarrassing, or a diss happens to you, this is the response you would say.

(no one sits with you on the bus)

"no one sitting with me, oh my god BURN TO ME!"

by jackjack12 September 28, 2011

Burning The Pork

Another term for jerking off.

Person 1: "Is Kelly done with that estimate yet!?!?"
Person 2: "...nah, dudes been Burning The Pork all morning"

by GRIZZLY PIPPINS February 28, 2019

Burn Gurn

The process of moving hot food around one's mouth in order to avoid burning.

Man, look at Adam doing the burn gurn. That pasta must be well hot.

Aaron's bird is so ugly, she looks like she's permanently doing the burn gurn.

by eddy1978 April 12, 2011

burn water

to burn water is an expression meaning someone is so terrible at cooking that they can burn water

"I always pack a lunch when I go to Stacy's house, her mom could burn water."

by February 7, 2022

Burning Twice

When one eats spicy foods and proceeds to shit fire.

After eating spicy Mexican food, Jim ended up burning twice that night over the toilet.

by eddieptex June 16, 2010

ass burn

when a very good looking woman leaves a place of buisness wearing tight jeans turns to walk out and all the employes are staring at her ass!

on a hot summer day a very good looking female turns to leave a place of buisness while all the men associates stare at her ass with out a peep from them until she leaves the door way. then they pant like dogs and talk to each other about screwing the shit out of her! we gave her ass burn on the way out!

by russ sharp January 16, 2012

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burn deal

When you make plans to do something with someone, and then not go without notice.

"Doode, what happened to our plans for the movie on Friday? Burn Deal!"

by succcccka January 30, 2008

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