A pharmaceutical cocktail made up of Dextroamphetamine (Adderall) and Alprazolam (Xanax), which gives the patient a clear mind and calm demeanor. Dosage various based on the patients tolerance and medical history.
Finally, I can make it through my day focused and relaxed, thanks to my daily dose of clear and calm.
A bisexual that respects every sexuality.
Be a calm bi.
And please, please, please don’t be a raging bi
I met a calm bi today, and she was super nice. I respect her.
One of the most useless responses that only aggravates someone more.
Person A: im going to kill you
Person B: Calm down bro, i slept with ur sister as a joke
Person A: *fucking dies*
At the behest of a spoiled, nepotistic WHORE who has literally done nothing in life in comparison to me? I think not. Who created AI and who sang a song in a sparkle dress? No amount of feminism is going to make you my equal bitch. You are a retard. The men you fuck are retards. I'm better that all of you.
Hym "And what does this bitch have to say for herself? Even if she was a man, she would STILL not be the creator of AI. So how the fuck would she be the man? She would be shit and, therefore, nothing would change. You want me to calm down you'd better suck some baby dick. What SHOULD BE 'important to you 😭' is shutting the fuck up. That's what SHOULD being important to you. Bitch."
Id really know. I mean you can't blame me can you?
This guy could this Lah Calm Fit
When you one is panicking inwardly but they are forcing themselves to remain calm and rationalize.
An example of calm panic would be having to give someone cpr— you would be panicking, yes, but you would force yourself to stay calm and use your brain over your emotions
A day for butthurt females who think all guys do is objectify them
Calm your titties its National calm yourself day!