To “tear cheek” is essentially the same as to “rip ass”, but designed for the more eloquent and less brutish of speakers.
“Richard, honey! I’m about to tear cheek, so you better come hither!”
“Dude, I just tore so bad.”
“I can smell that tear for miles!”
“I feel like tearing cheek today.”
An unspeakable act of raw power and primative force, in which, an individual plows the nearest warm wet hole with reckless abandon and no regard for the safety of his partner. Punishable by death in most eastern block countries.
Cheekzilla gave his lady brain damage from unleashing the cheeks on her and knocking her head against the head board ALL NIGHT LONG.
A person’s butt crack, more specifically when a persons pants are too low and show their crack
“Dude, pull up your pants I can see your cheek ravine.”
When you clap someone’s cheeks so fast that it’s equivalent to the speed of a bullet
“I’m finna gun her cheeks tonight”
“What the fuck are you saying?”
“Gunning cheeks bro, clappin her cheekies so fast I’m like a bullet”
“Why don’t you gun my cheeks anymore :(“
The act of gyrating ones buttocks in a back and forth motion during intercourse, so as to create the illusion of a skin tsunami.
She hit me with the cheek tsunami, and I blew my load all over her (pet) cat.
It's a type of kiss where you only bump your cheek into the other person's cheek instead of actually kissing the person on the cheek
John: It's nothing serious. They're just giving each other cheek bumps.
Ur Cheeks, excl, used commonly used in games by smaller children who shouldn't be playing said game
A more child friendly way to say ur ass
child *dies in fortnite*
child "Bro UR CHEEKS" (often extremely bad mic quality