People who are not pussy of jumping off cliffs.
Hey let’s go cliff jumping. If your up for it....
Christians who look down on others because of their knowledge of scripture and feel that God favors them more as result.
I liked this Church alot more before I realized all the Cliff Christians that go here.
Said when you want someone to drop a conversation subject once and for all.
Boy: should Hillary Clinton be arrested for uranium one?
mother : I don't know what uranium one is and drop it off the nearest cliff with your Hillary Clinton obsession. It's not your business to arrest anyone.
(n) the most amazing actor known to mankind, seen in Once Were Warriors, Whale Rider, Crossing Over, Blow, Bringing on the Dead, River Queen, Trauma (tv program)
(v) the act of an incredibly sexy man pulling his hair up into a tight bun on the top of his head and looking stunningly hot
Hey, baby, you want to look really hot for me tonight? Wear those jeans I like and Cliff Curtis your hair for me, okay? Then we'll play a little game later called "Just the Tip"...
When you defo know, it's not Cliff
Was that Cliff? Nah, Defo not Cliff
Most overrated school in Washington County Utah.Snobby and spoiled kids\teachers that think they are God themselves
Person 1:Hey you want to go watch the football game at Crimson Cliffs High tonight?
Person 2:We can't be friends anymore
Person 1:What? Why?
Person 2:You dare to step foot anywhere near those snobs and I don't want that shut spread to me.
A place where the southern children go to get back shots behind beach huts and get absolutely pissed up and bring mass amounts of music and voddy yolo
Hordle cliffs Let’s go beach motive !!!