this is more superior than watermelon sugar better more addictive and good for sniffing
friend:what are you on
me:watermrelon cocaine
friend:give me some of that
ten minutes later
disclamer sniffffffffffffffffing this shit is goooood watermelon sugar is shit
disclamer the last guy was an addict and soooooo as iiiiii
watermelon cocaine is watermelon flavored cocaine
Either crushed up smarties or fundip powder. Healthier than real cocaine, right??
1: hey wyd?
2: I'm doing some colorful cocaine, how about you?
1: oh I do love colorful cocaine, I'm just chilling
3: what's colorful cocaine?
1 or/and 2: it's crushed up smarties/fundip powder you idiot
3: okay
When you spray deodorant but it covers your armpits in a white powder(prevented by shaking the can beforehand).
Drake: Hey Josh can I borrow your deodorant?
Josh: Yeah, sure but shake it before you spray otherwise you will get cocaine pits!
The act of wearing a purple sick and a coca cola sock while snorting massive amounts of glitter laced cocaine
Man I just doing purple cocaine with the boys on Saturdays.
The place a voracious cocaine user finds himself after using cocaine all night long, which may involve repeated calls to the supplier and re-ups from the said supplier, when the morning comes and he hears the birds of Satan sing, while rapidly coming down from stimulating effects of cocaine and realizing there is no more cocaine or cash left.
Common locations include the user's abode and cheap motels.
I am in cocaine hell. All I want to do is curl up and wait for the come down to pass. FML.
Spicy cocaine is when you shave of the head of a match stick, light it on fire, while its on fire snort it
Dude i tried doing some spicy cocaine yesterday and it fucked up my nostrils
Buckshot is the act of taking a can compressed-gas (like one you’d use to dust of electronics) then inserting a small wad of cocaine in to the “barrel” of your can of compressed air. Finally, insert the cocaine-wad-loaded barrel into your noise (either nostril ) and pulling the trigger quickly thus blowing a wad of compressed-gas mixed cocaine in to your nose like a buckshot shotgun wad.
“Did you see Chad at the party last night? I heard him yelling “pull” from the bathroom, turns out he was firing a cocaine buckshot in there”