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A redneck who ducks other rednecks
Besides that they aight

That guy is suck a Colton

by ThatBitch110% November 23, 2021


A guy who loves the 80s and is probably nicknamed shaggy, who cant tell when or why people like him and cant see the point in trying to make friends. Despite this hes very loving and doesn't enjoy being dumped. loves bowling and has a huge dick but to ugly to get to use it

man colton is a loser

by shaggypilgrim January 29, 2019


A pleasantly mediocre man who consumes lots of steel.

A: Man half my refridger is gone :(
Colton: 😋

by Professor Ballfart March 2, 2023


A guy who may seem weird but who has the most amazing personality. He is very magnetic and you feel drawn to him. Even though he doesn't feel anything for you, he's still extremely kind and caring. He has the most beautiful facial features that you can't resist staring at.

God I can't not like him, he's just such a Colton

by Just a hopeless romantic January 31, 2022


A Colton is a ladies-man. A Colton is an asshole. A Colton will get mad if you spell it as Colten. He has hair like a Pomeranian.

Colton, you are such a fucking Pomeranian.

by Animae5life_webkinz.comm May 25, 2018



Ya know colton? Oh yeah that faggot

by dddddddddde February 22, 2020


Colton, one of the douchiest guys ever, I don't understand why everyone thinks they would make good boyfriends or how people think a Colton could even be a good friend. If his names starts with C sis leave.


by flowergirl27 December 9, 2019