When you are holding in a jizz so you don't lose any soldiers and you fart and the fart is the catalyst for eruption.
"what happened to you?"
"it stinks, i made a mess, it was Dante's Divine Comedy"
A hilarious web based comedy group.
Man, that Pocket Comedy is hilarious!
Improv or comedy sketches that make you cringe. Tim Robinson's "I Think You Should Leave", or Larry David's "Curb Your Enthusiasm" are two examples.
I love watching cringe comedy! Cringe comedy makes my skin crawl! Tim Robinson is the king of cringe comedy!
A type or comedy that is when a asian talks or makes jokes about being asian
Or just using what they learned from others to make asian videos
Mostly or all are asian making content
Person 1 that asian made a funny asian comedy video
Person 2 yes it was
A person who pushes their political agenda behind the thin, see-through guise of "comedy". Always someone doing a routine from a middle school lunch table based on race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. thinking they're Carlin. 100% of the time someone who's cried about jokes directed at straight/white/men. 100% of the time someone who says "Keep politics out of entertainment" to censor people.
"Tommy doesn't have anything to defend his garbage ideas other than Don't be offended, it's just jokes. CGW ass."
"I can't stand stand Comedy Guardian Warriors. They think fake laughs hide how triggered they are."
A person (often of minority background) who makes jokes to amuse others in a group.
"Bro, Jamal is so ugly but he has jokes for days haha."
"Yea bro, he's a comedy slave. Been that way for a while actually."
An internet equation. It expresses how tragedy will always be funny after time passes.
Dude! 9/11 is fucking hilarious!
Hey, 3,000 people died that day.
Well you know, Tragedy + Time = Comedy.