A game that is played to comfort the player. It is typically slower-paced with bright colours and is aimed at a casual audience. Examples of common comfort games include life simulation games like Stardew Valley or visual novels.
"NiGHTS into Dreams is my comfort game."
People go to comfort puppies for comfort and advice whenever they need help usually with a breakup, when they’re used or when they are at their weakest. And then when they’re better, the forget the comfort puppies. But those people are never there for comfort puppies and usually start talking about their own issues. So comfort puppy is a person who’s job is to be a therapist for people who don’t give a shit about them.
X: ,,My friend usually texts me when ge is sad and needs help, other than that…no.”
Y: ,,you’re a comfort puppy to him”
A comfort ship is a ship that when you see content of, it can help boost your mood. It can also be a ship that you hold very close to you, and that you love so much that it radiates comfort. Basically, it's just a ship that gives you good vibes from their chemistry and interactions <3. There's also a good chance someones comfort ship might also be their OTP.
Note; A comfort ship doesn't need to be one without any angst. There are a lot of ships people say are their comfort ships that end up not happening and/or have angst in them. Nor does a comfort ship need any sad themes to be one.
Person 1: "Is this your comfort ship?"
Person 2: "Yup! It is <3. I love those two so much!!"
Not to be confused with a Comfort Kiss. Kiss Comfort is level of acceptance towards open affection and a measure of how well you can receive it. A person with high Kiss Comfort would enjoy French kissing. Someone with low Kiss Comfort would be embarrassed by a peck on the cheek. It can also loosely apply to other shows of affection like hugging, holding hands, etc.
Boyfriend: *leans in for a kiss while on a date*
Girlfriend: *leans away*
Boyfriend: "Damn girl. Your kiss comfort is so low, even though you were giving me the gawk gawk last night"
Girlfriend: "I'm just not into kissing that much."
That one member in every group of friends who eventually becomes far too accustomed to taking advantage of their position. This is expressed in a number of ways, including but not limited to:
-- Shitting in another member's bathroom, except in an emergency.
-- "Bumming" cigarettes, to the point of simply taking them from a pack at their leisure, without asking, and conveniently "forgetting" their own pack at every gathering.
-- Drinking the beer from the pitcher of another, with zero reciprocation. Also applicable to joint smoking.
-- Showing up uninvited, simply due to the knowledge of another member being present.
These individuals will continue offending the group until confronted with their behavior. This will often lead to an indignant response, designed to make the person confronting them feel guilty, and continue to allow the behavior. An organized shunning, or even total group exile is another possible outcome.
Also; Miss/Mrs. Comfortable
"Ahh, goddammit, everybody hide your weed. Mr. Comfortable just pulled up."
a shirt you wear almost regularly that makes you comfortable mentally, physically and emotionally usually when one’s not in the best head space
“oh my god, i can’t find my comfort shirt! i need it, it makes me at ease”
n. euphemism for tasty, satisfying foods of high caloric content relative to little nutritional value, term is utilized exclusively by individuals who can least afford to consume such foods to rationalize consumption of foods with no other value except "comfort."
n. foods which increase the comfortable, luxurious padding on a bbw
Sheena looked down when she dropped her candy bar, but the comfort food seemed to disappear completely. Had it fallen down her cleavage, or was it near her feet? She wasn't quite sure.
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