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adj. tending to oppose changes made by Facebook, Inc. to the facebook website's layout.

n. one who has a facebook-conservative outlook

Ted: I don't like the new photo viewer on facebook...

Fred: You're totally facebook-conservative, man.

Sam: I really wish Facebook would stop changing everything.

Pam: You're definitely a Facebook-Conservative.

by kiyoshikc March 15, 2011

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A general-purpose word for placing one's scumbaggery beyond criticism.

"I think we should just blow the whole Middle East up with nukes and build a theme park in place of Israel/Palestine."

"Wow, you're a total piece of shit."

"Oh, so just because I'm a conservative you're calling me a piece of shit? Learn to be tolerate other political ideologies you liberal fascist."

by Aunt Tifa Lockhart April 4, 2018

11๐Ÿ‘ 251๐Ÿ‘Ž

Black Conservative

A black person who dose not play into the hands of the democrats and dose better things than call you a rasist. The black person in not a sellout

darn he is better Black Conservative not a sellout

by GABRIALD January 21, 2021

3874๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who claims to be guided by and a follower of conservative ideals and principals, but in reality is primarily and mostly just the opposite. While they may take a conservative stance on a few periphery issues, and even speak in conservative terms and espouse conservative ideas, they are in reality individuals who at their core are functionally anti-conservative.

A good reference group to look at that exemplifies pseudo-conservatism is the neocons. Neocons more often than not espouse ideas such as being "pro-life", pro-Constitution, pro-America, pro-freedom, pro-liberty, and pro-democracy. They will also espouse the idea of "smaller government". However in reality, the policies they support and implement are in direct contrast and conflict with those positions.

A good reference group to look at that exemplifies pseudo-conservatism is the neocons. Neocons more often than not espouse ideas such as being "pro-life", pro-Constitution, pro-America, pro-freedom, pro-liberty, and pro-democracy, and also espouse the idea of smaller and more limited government. However in reality, the policies they support and implement are in direct contrast, opposition, and conflict with those positions.

A few of many notable examples of pseudo-conservative neocons are...

George H.W. Bush
George W. Bush
Dick Chaney
Mitt Romney
Rich Santorum
Newt Gingrich
Michele Bachmann
Sean Hannity
Mark Levin
Bill O'Reilly

by The Anti-Tyranny Foundation! January 18, 2012

74๐Ÿ‘ 91๐Ÿ‘Ž

Social conservative

Another term for theocratic fascist. Social conservatives tend to be fundamentalist Christians and right wing Republicans. They want their own version of morality to be enforced through legislation. Most of them hate gays, "liberals" (which are defined as anyone who supports personal freedom or redistribution of wealth) and non-Christians. They support prayer and Bible reading in public schools and the scientific FACT of evolution to be replaced by their own creation myth. Most of them have never read a biology text book and so they often butcher was evolution really is in favor of their own straw man arguments. They usually don't believe in Global warming, In addition they think it is the job of the United State's military to bomb and occupy Muslim countries to protect Israel, even though most Israelis do not want our help and generally believe we are making the situation worse. Not all Republicans are social conservatives and their are exceptions to this generalization

George W. Bush is a social conservative who for the first time in 50+ years allowed employers to discriminate on the basis of religious beliefs. W lied to the American people and started a war in Iraq on false premises. He butchered civil liberties and the bill of rights with the so-called "Patriot" Act.

by Ron Paul (Not really) July 11, 2011

104๐Ÿ‘ 136๐Ÿ‘Ž

Socially conservative

Not looking for a good time


Leonard wouldn't go out with us last night, he is too socially conservative.

by AllAroundAwesomePerson December 2, 2009

22๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

Conservation of Effort

Doing the most amount of work in the least amount of time, using the least amount of effort.

Guy1 "Dude how does that guy get straight A's while doing almost no work?"

Guy2 "Idk, he probably uses the conservation of effort"

Guy1 -"Damn, i should start using that too"

by g.d.t. March 23, 2011

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž