Source Code

Sweat Curls

When curls are formed in your hair from sweating. Pretty simple.

Look Jonna, you have sweat curls!

by 3cf October 1, 2016

curl a tom

to have a speedy quick poo

eve: “where are you going”
jack: “to curl a tom”

by jacketh the third January 30, 2025

Curl sexual

The attracting for curly hair.
Can be a man can be a woman also can be a non binary.
If you like curly your curl sexual. FACTS!

I love your curly hair!!
Btw im curl sexual...

by Cabbage_master might be curius October 2, 2022

hot curl

When someone has diarrhea and shits on someone's face.

Dude this girl shit on this guy's face. That's a hot curl man

by CherryNectar February 4, 2016

gray curl

A person who is lightskin (black+white) called gray curl because they are both black and white making gray.

Yo that gray curl over there looks like a spottie to me

by it’s geevin January 18, 2018

Sleep Curling

Tucking your dick under you so you piss up your back while sleeping.

Mike: Why do you smell like piss?
Brad: I was sleep curling last night.

by Nicky Tesla November 9, 2017

Plate Curling

Plate Curling is when you must stand at any edge of the table and either with or without your eyes shut you must Curl your plate which will determine where you will sit for the Evening Dinner.

Wayne "Hey Man, where are you going to sit?"

Conor " I dunno, I'm gonna find out by Plate Curling."

by RonocMcfoley November 21, 2011