A patron of a casino who wildly waves her hands, beats her fists, shouts at or otherwise makes a spectacle of herself while playing a slot machine in an attempt to force the machines internal random number generator to give her money. They are also responsible for leaving the huge, oily hand print smears all over the video poker and keno machines as they believe that rapidly tapping on the screen with their palms will increase the chance of their numbers coming up.
The slot dancer playing the panda bear video slot machine was urging the reels to stop on the jackpot by pounding on the screen and shouting encouragement to the soulless device.
Rules most dancers use that would send regular people into a coma.
Teacher: The choreography starts on 2, listen for the ka-ka-boom..ga! and start there
Dancers: *nodding*
Teacher: just mark this, and i'll count from 6 since it starts late
Dance mum: Faints
Sarovara bar dancer is considered as Lucha sudeepa of Sandalwood were many illegal things are happening unknowingly
Lucha sudeepa is a sarovara bar dancer
Means you can't dance for nothing, you move like a rat
That girl looks like she is a ratty-dancer!
Someone who peeps under toilet doors.
Beware of the limbo dancers when you're on the throne.
one of the very few to dance with a coffin, very rare and badass
that coffin dancer is dancing fucking good