means k{censored}l yourself but its littlebluegamer(the one on gamejolt)'s way of saying it, and its slightly pg in a way.
he usually only uses it during drama
an example of when Delete Yourself (LBG) is used by him:
insert lbg knowing someone did something bad on gj
Ctrl+Alt+Delete is a keyboard shortcut for most computers.
Ctrl+Alt+Delete can also be used in a joking matter for someone who forgot a memory.
They Ctrl+Alt+Deleted there memory from the past month!
To delete someone is to defeat him/her in a video game so hard that their account gets removed and their head explodes
Bro you just deleted that bitch from the entire fucking game
'Delete' can have several different meanings and is very context dependent, here are just a few examples:
When you have demolished your food - deleted
When you have completed a task - deleted (a film/degree/project)
When your friend has scored/died in the club - deleted
A: Hey James, is that beer you have in your hand!?
J: Yeah Austin, a beautiful pils it is
A: Delete it!
J: *look of disdain in his eyes, but also respect - proceeds to drink beer in one go*
Used when texting as a replacement for what you really want to say, as in, you've typed and deleted several responses already but can't quite get the wording right . Let's the recipient know that you are mulling over the response and not ignoring the question.
Wayne: Will you still love me when I'm in my carbohydrate, sequined-jumpsuit, young-girls-in-white-cotton-panties, waking-up-in-a-pool-of-your-own-vomit, bloated-purple-dead-on-a-toilet phase?
Cassandra: Type delete
To mark a record in a database for deletion or to temporarily prevent it from being selected. In order to actually delete the record, a "hard" delete or "permanent" delete function must be performed.
soft delete: Removing less important players in a team before a utilize them at a later point.
EX: He has been soft deleted from the team