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devious lick

a successful steal that is especially mischievous or uncommon to steal, stealing something that you don’t need, or would use, but doing so just to be a menace.

Had a rather devious lick on the school principal, stole her car’s spoiler.

by gethyn05 September 15, 2021

Devious Lick

A devious lick is when the protagonist takes an item from either a personal or professional building (typically a school).

Jake: “Dude I just hit a devious lick today in school. I went to the bathroom and took the toilet seat.”

Sev: “Bro, you’re so nelk .”

by BigBoyBalls September 17, 2021

devious lick

(Noun) A successful heist of school property which results in the thief/thieves bringing the loot back to their homes in their backpacks. Popular licks include: Soap dispensers, hand driers, toilets, sinks, fire alarms, exit signs, projectors, and doors. A multitude of "Devious Lick" videos can be found on the popular social media app, TikTok.

It's only the first week of school and I already hit this devious lick.

by Mmmmason September 18, 2021

Devious lick

Stealing from a school. When your homie rips a soap dispenser from the school bathroom he committed a devious lick.

The “devious lick” was a term created by tiktok when some students from a school stole a soap dispenser.

Ayo man you hear bout Yousef he hit that devious lick and snatched the school’s urinal

by Yobruhbruh19 September 14, 2021

Devious Lick

To steal someones belongings such as a toilet or a soap dispenser

person 1: Yo bro what you doing after school?
person 2: Im bouta hit a devious lick on ms smiths virginity!

by hitalick445 October 5, 2021

devious lick

When you steal some shit from yo bitchass School

Ayo I just hit a devious lick on my teachers viginity

by hitalick445 September 16, 2021

Devious lick

An incredibly stupid tik tok trend, that went viral around September of 2021 where a person steals something, usually very petty, such as a hand sanitiser or toilet from a school, college or other public area, and records it for Tik Tok, where it is uploaded as part of the "hit the lick challenge", often (weirdly) expecting no bad consequences for their actions.

This trend has grown from a joke to literal robbery, and has recently been banned from Tik Tok searches (no surprise there).

Person 1: What the hell man, the school bathrooms HAVE NO TOILETS.

Person 2: Damn, someone must've hit the most devious lick 😈

by Methalyne Blue September 19, 2021