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eddie kaspbrak

the best person ever!! hes from IT which is by stephen king. hes so very very gay and the most perfect adorable human ever. he and richie tozier are married. jes also asthematic and a hypochondriac with an abusive mother :/ . eddie supremacy. yes i kin richie🀒🀒 if you couldnt tell...πŸ˜’

normal man: hey whos your fave losers club member?
a chad: eddie kaspbrak
a virgin: anyone else
be a chad!!

by ifck3durm0m September 19, 2021

16πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Thirsty Eddie

A man who gets too scummy(drunk) and sexually harass all women. This may include groping, fondling, and being a sexual predator.

Tell me why i saw Thirsty Eddie at Transit almost get his ass kicked by a pimp for fondling his prostitute.

by da MoB March 14, 2008

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

The Eddie Layng

putting one's index and middle finger together to be used as a pointer

That is out of line!(while using the eddie layng)

by crew connections October 8, 2003

19πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

eddie murphy

When your taking a shit, and it hits the water and splashes back (just like Eddie's career).

*splash* Ooh...Eddie Murphy!

by SurferX May 27, 2008

156πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž

Eddie Vedder

A San Diego-based rock star/surfer who took over the helm of the moribund, Seattle, grunge band Mother Love Bone and turned it into the mega-platnum, hit machine Pearl Jam in 1991.

Sang on the album Ten which was one of the five most influential albums of the 1990s (along with Nirvana's Nevermind, Dr Dre's the Chronic, Alice in Chains' Facelift and Slayer's Seasons in the Abyss)

Is an example of a good yuppie - rich but cares about the environment, ending racism/sexism/homophobia and electing liberal Democrats to office.

Used to swing from the rafters like Tarzan and give free concerts like the Day on the Green in Lawrence, Kansas, in 1992. (I was there).

"I'm Eddie Vedder, and I care about the environment."

Thousands of sexy chicks cheer and throw their panties on the stage.

by Assex 776 September 15, 2007

147πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

Eddie Vedder

The most amazing man in the history of music. Almost godlike, ageless rockstar. The most gorgeous looking man on the planet. Lead singer of the best band ever.

Eddie Vedder is God.

by Eddies Girl March 15, 2007

258πŸ‘ 89πŸ‘Ž

cold eddie

frozen human feces wrapped in saran wrap and used as a dildo.

Pman's mother had an arsenal of cold eddies in the freezer.

by Jesse Clarkson August 12, 2007

56πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž