If you're wondering why im standing here, you're in my way.
An excuse that has been used so many times that nobody believes it anymore. It's no good, so you throw it in the bucket with all the other worn-out excuses.
Parent: Have you done your homework yet?
Kid: I can't find it. It must have fallen out of my backpack.
Parent: That's the third time you've used that excuse! Throw that bucket excuse in the bucket and get your homework out!
"Augusta". Used to absolve someone of blame for assorted objects' being messily scattered about.
Da classic "Maine state-capital excuse", in knock-knock-joke form:
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Augusta, who?
Augusta wind musta blown all those things around --- I never touched 'em.
“excuse my french” is use before or after you swear
Boyfriend: excuse my french this bitch bad
Girlfriend * speechless *
What teachers say you use, as an unjustifiable reason for something just because they do not want you to leave the classroom even though yo must release a Fat Shit
Guy: fucking mr. M said I was making an “Excuse” to go take a shit, so I shit on his desk
Guy 2: fuck him honestly.