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Filthy Sanchez

1. the sexual act of following anal sex immediately with oral sex, which causes residual fecal matter to coagulate on the recipient's upper lip, resembling a Mexican handlebar moustache

2. Unexplained sexual position taught by South Park character Mr. Garrison to his kindergarten class.

(1) 'Naw, I gave that slut Jessica a Filthy Sanchez, dude, not the other way around!'
(2) 'Ike, do you know what a "Filthy Sanchez" is?'

by 1337 d00d July 1, 2005

586๐Ÿ‘ 416๐Ÿ‘Ž

filthy Jesus

When one performs anal intercourse while moaning a "hail Mary."

Afterwards the male withdraws his fecal covered penis and scrapes off a sample of the blessed shit with two fingers and smears it in the shape of a cross on the subject's forehead as a priest would.

"I stayed late after church and old Father Monroe gave me a filthy Jesus ...The stench was unbearable and it still won't wash off. Crazy enough, I haven't missed church since."

by Komodai April 8, 2006

44๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

Filthy Runescaper

One who is hopelessly addicted to the massive online game, Runescape. "Filthy Runescapers" usually resemble a chubby, nerdy-looking boy. But beware, sometimes these super-nerds can appear in female form too. These "people" usually come to school ranting and raving with their nerdy friends on how they finally completed the "Trolls of Faramont" quest on Runescape the other night. Beware! If they get too close they may give you their Runename so you can chat with them, or even worse, invite you to play with them.

An unfourtunate encounter with a Filty Runescaper
Filthy Runescaper: Hey, you! Guess what?
You: You're a Filthy Runescaper, why would I care?
Filthy Runescaper: Because all of Valador trembles at the very sight of my dragon-skinned sword and Mithril long-range elf bow!

by gerard ways princess March 16, 2007

37๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


To describe a very attractive, hot, sexy, young female who's apperance would lead you to believe that she would do anything sexual that you would ask of her

Look at that "Filthy Pig" coming in the door. Shes hot, I bet you she would eat her own ass, then mine.

by BLAKE LICHTY September 12, 2007

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filthy mick

A cocktail made with Jameson Irish Whiskey and Red Bull for the times that you want to get all fucked up like a dirty Irishman.

-It' my birthday, I am going to get as drunk as a dirty Irishman.
-Hell yeah, dude. I'll grab some Jameson and Red Bull and we'll make some filthy micks.
-We'll get so trashed that we forget our names and pass out on the bathroom floor just like all the dirty Irishmen at the pub.

by thought_criminal January 7, 2009

18๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Filthy Puyol

Another Word For A Dirty Vagina

"That Girl I Fucked Last Night Had A Right Filthy Puyol!"

by Cal Hanley August 12, 2006

9๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Filthy Benavides

In the spirit of the beloved Dirty Sanchez, the Filthy Benavides is the act of removing your penis from a woman's anus, then rubbing it vertically down her chin, creating the illusion of a "soul patch".

He was charging women the same money for straight sex as he was for a Filthy Benavides.

by DirtyFlyBoyz November 10, 2006

29๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž