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Finale Fatigue

The feeling of dread one feels when they finish a movie, show, book etc. knowing that the story is over.

After I finished watching the ending of Adventure Time, I've experienced Finale Fatigue.

by Doodope March 2, 2021

finals coma

The act of engaging of copious amounts of sleep, often aided by over-the-counter sleep aids, either to prepare for or recover from an exhausting period of studying and exams.

So named because preparation for, and getting through, final exams often leaves students sleep-deprived, particularly graduating seniors and students majoring in fields that require excessive amounts of memorization or explicit attention to detail. This naturally leads to a period of rest wherein the subject is so unresponsive to stimuli that they may appear to be under the influence of a low-grade elephant tranquilizer or comparable sedative.

Persons in need of a finals coma can often be identified by red-rimmed eyes, fingers stained with highlighter ink, empty caffeinated-beverage containers, and a slow, shambling gait, as that of a zombie.

Student 1: You ready for finals next week?

Student 2: Yeah, Sunday, I plan on popping some Tylenol PMs and sleeping for 14 hours just make sure I don't miss my 8 am exam.

Student 1: Need a finals coma, eh?

Student 2: Yeah.


Student A: I just finished my last exam.

Student B: Sweet, let's go get drunk!

Student A: Dude, it's only noon and I haven't slept all week--let me get in a finals coma, and we'll hit the bar around midnight.

Student B: Sounds good!

by LSSUTKE280 April 16, 2011

Finally finished

Finally finished

Raz- Finally finished
Elle- Very nice

by Lavendxr Ts November 16, 2020

Finals Neck

That cramp in your neck that you get after taking and studying for 3+ -hour finals, usually associated with a temporary hunchback and, often, snapping and popping of joints.

Fred: "How obscene is it that our bio final took up the entire 4 hour block?"

Fran: "It's ridiculous. Two days later and I'm still stuck with finals neck!"

by franzy! May 28, 2011

NBA Finals

Its a 7 game series where the Golden State Warriors go against the team that wins the Eastern conference finals

Bro1-Aye bro you saw last year´s NBA finals?
Bro2-Nah bro its always Golden State against Cleveland.

by Taykbrokeboy July 19, 2018

Finally Tina

In my addiction I pretended to be what anyone wanted me to be because I was seeking attention seeking validation and approval never felt like I was good enough or belonged. Thru the Recovery process I found my self I found Tina.


by Finally Tina December 20, 2016

Final Disease

Final Disease: Increase of Limelight cravings and self-inserting awsomeness or fail, drama-downsyndrom, With slight chances of 'I'MLEAVINGFOREVERCUZEVERYONEHATESME!'

Ex. "Lindsy Lohan refuses to leave her home under the ailment of Final Disease." "THIS REPORTER ISN'T TAKING PICTURES OF ME!!! EVERYONE MUST HATE ME! I'M NEVER COMING OUT AGAIN!!!

by MarkMyLife August 10, 2009