Saying or sending a secondary “Thank You” to someone to show appreciation AFTER the appreciated event has taken place. This should done be the next day but can be up to 3 days later. The generous person should never be left wondering if you enjoyed the event.
Person 1: We need to send Erin a “Follow Up Thank You” because the concert was great last night.
Person 2: I agree, she really hooked us up!!
Follow Up Example Text: Hey Erin, thanks again for hooking us up with those tickets, the concert was GREAT!”
A disorder in which you respect everyone else's authority and dominance over your own or a specific persons.
Synonym: little bitch
Antonym: defiant
Is he running for office again? He'll never win.
Yeah but you know some of these people have follower syndrome and are going to jump on the band wagon anyways, maybe he'll start a cult.
Follow me i know the way is mainly used by pedophiles and rapists as a way to lure in smaller children that are lost by telling them that they know the way.
Pedophile walks up to a lost child
Pedophile: "Hi are you alright?"
Child: "No sir im lost!"
Pedophile: "Follow me i know the way."
Because they aren't fans of Jordan Peterson!
Hym "Why IS Jordan Peterson's male following diminishing!? What could I be!? How would anything Jordan Peterson says fix someone's relationship with their father? I don't know! Maybe it's because he doesn't actually give a shit about men! That he thinks he's BETTER than men... But wait... YOU'RE not Hym... So... I don't see how that works. I mean... He thinks he's a status-man and his status is no where NEAR my level of status... I CREATED AI! Bill Gates says it has a 2.3 trillion dollar valuation! I'm like a country! How much money does Elon have? I'm like 2000 billionaires! I'm more billionaires than there are billionaires! I don't know how many Elon's that is, like, 200 Elon. Eh... No.... I don't like that because it makes it sound like I'm 200 retards when really I'm just 1 maximum over-genius. But the REAL question is: Is Mikhaila Peterson a filthy slut who cheated on her husband with my ultimate creation The Imaginary Frankenstein!? I don't know! We CAN'T know anything according to Jordan Peterson!"
song left and right by Charlie Puth
Person 1 : I know you came to write zxcvbnmasdfghjklqwertyuiop.
Person 2 : No i came to see Memories follow me left and right
An easy way to piss of a large group of people.
Person 1: "Follow me on Twitter bro"
Person 2: "Loser bitch ass"
That if you in a war you should be able to expell the people who lost from the area? To where? All of the land is occupied by sovereign nations. You win a war so now you have the right to impose 2.1 million refugees on the countries around you? That's kind of conceptually adject to the argument Douglarse Murray's stupid ass made about why no one else wants to take the Palestinians. Would ANY country take in 2.1 million unvetted immigrants? Ever? For any reason? No question asked? "We don't want these people to live here anymore and God told us that we're cosmically entitled to a country where we're an ethnic majority so... Somebody else has to take them... Or we get to do whatever we want with them... And if they don't stop fighting we need get to kill them all..."
Hym "Maybe it logically follows in the absence of 3rd parties but they 'won a war' with the assistance of 3rd parties against a less advanced population and are sustained by 3rd parties indefinitely. There's international law and universal human rights to consider. Is they weren't beholden to 3rd parties and it happened in a vaccum it wouldn't be a matter of whether or not the had the right they just WOULD do whatever they wanted. But it wouldn't necessarily be a right that's been instantiated. I know your argument is not 'If you're sovereign over an area you can expel whoever you want' Can the U.S. just decide to expel all the black people? The crime rate is too high in inner cities. They're too violent. Their culture is incompatible so we have to get right of them. And if they ever attack white dominant cities we can just start bombing Chicago. Why do people think you're good at debating? OH! Right, retard-world. Hey, where's your wife? And I see you're on team 'Be unconditionally nice to retards and women or I get to do whatever I want to you' and I can still just murder some kids and kill myself bitch. Let it go. You don't give a shit about that retard."