To have consumed numerable amounts of narcotics, and generally be a big dribbling mumbling euphoric mess.
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A person who is generally a clueless toolbag that enjoys screwing with their friends. Claims all the waterfowl shot, cant handle their booze, likes smoking cigars that taste like turds or are flavored...
Likely referring to Italian decent
Tommy was a fuck today when we went to the cigar bar. He choose bottomshelf booze and a machine rolled cigar
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A common usage of measurement. Used when the object being described is as big as the deal your parents used to make when you said the word "fuck".
That shit was big as fuck.
Man, that joint we smoked got me high as fuck.
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Something any man can say to rationalize a given situation, no matter how dangerous or stupid it is.
1. Guy: Should I ollie this 20 foot gap?
Friend: I dunno man...
Guy: Fuck it!
Friend: Damn that was cool, even if u broke your back.
2. Guy: Dude should I bang this chick?
Friend: I dunno she gets around...
Guy: Fuck it!
Friend: Dude, I told you she might have herpes.
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The F word. Its versatility as a word is rarely seen in the common lexicon.
It can be used as a noun: "Damn! That fuck got away!"
As both a prefix and a suffix to a noun: "Hey, fuckface, are you up for a dogfuck?"
As a verb: "That dog is hot; I'd fuck her like I fucked your mom!"
In Russian Reversal: "In Soviet Russia, goat fucks YOU!!"
As an adjective: "That fucking Protestant won't get away with it."
As a transitive verb: "John fucks Shirley."
As an intransitive verb: "Shirley fucks."
As a place/name: "Oh, I feel so nice in my Fuck"
As a way to command: "Go eat shit fuckers.
As a proper noun: "I am Fuck! Fuck of the Mountain!"
As an adverb: "Hermes traipsed fuckfully through the leafy glade."
As an indefinite pronomina: "How many countries in EU do you know? Man, I don't know fuck!"
An excellent interjection between syllables: Abso-fucking-lutely not. That's de-fucking-licous"
As a substitute for song lyrics you can't remember: "Billie Fuck fuck not my lover, she's just a fuck who fuck that I fuck the fuck. But fuck in the fuck fuck fuck donkey."
As a Holy Word: "Holy Fuck!"
Dismissal: "Why don't you go outside and play Hide-and-go-Fuck-yourself"
Greetings:"Who the fuck are you?"
Dismay: "Oh, fuck it."
Trouble: "Well, I guess I'm fucked again."
Aggression: "Fuck you!!!"
Disgust: "Fuck me!!!"
Confusion: "What the fuck...?"
Difficulty: "I don't understand this fucking thing."
Incompetence: "He fucks up everything."
Confusion: "What the fuck is going on?"
Lost: "Where the fuck are we? In the middle of fucking nowhere!"
Drunk: "Where the fuck am I?"/"Who the fuck am I?"/"What the fuck am I doing?"/"What the fuck did I just do?!"/"...and why the fuck do I have the lyrics to a song called Lambo-Lambo stuck in my head?!"
Lust: "I'll fuck you with a rake."
Disbelief: "Unbe-fucking-lievable!!!"
More Disbelief: "In-fucking-credible"
Anger: "Who fucked me?"
Pain: "Oh, FUCK!"
Pleasure: "Oh, FUCK!"
Starting a relationship: "Let's fuck now!"
Quickly ending the relationship you just started: "Fuck..."
Sincerity: "I fucking love Kamchatka."
Ignorance: "Who the fuck is Alice?"
A fucking cute kitten.
Hate: "You Fuck!"
A poker hand: "A Royal Fuck."
Denial: "I didn't fucking do it."
Perplexity: "I know fuck all about it."
Apathy: "Who gives a fuck?"
Carelessness: "Fuck that."
Resignation: "Oh fuck it."
Panic: "Let's get the fuck out of here!"
Directions: "Fuck off."
Incestuous: "Mother Fucker."
I have a headache: "Go fuck yourself."
Fatigue: "I'm absolutely fucked."
Nautical: "Fuck the Admiral!"
Reproach: "You fucking killedβ’ me"
Insanity: "I'm fucked up"
Parachute malfunctions: "FUCK."
In Conjunction with 'god': "Oh My Fucking God!"
Prayer: "Oh my fucking God!"
Being stabbed: "Oh my fucking God!"
Being raped by an invisible man: "Oh my fucking God!"
Being raped by an invisble woman: "Oh My Fucking GOD! YES!"
Winning the Lottery: "Oh My Fucking God!"
Losing the Lottery: "Oh My Fucking God!" (especially if you spent your last few bucks on a ticket, you penniless loser)
brevity: "fuck"
Anger: "Jesus fucking christ!"
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As a noun derived from fuck, can be used as an intensifier to give an amusing rhythm to a sentence.
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To have sexual intercourse with another person
I would love to fuck that girl