A little sheep with blue wool that is named Friend, beeing the friend of Ghostbur in the dream smp
The blue of this sheep helps the other members to calm themselves and it sucks all of their sadness.
Tubbo: What are you doing with the sheep?- Oh, he's called Friend!
Ghostbur: Oh, hello! He's my-hello. He's my Friend! :)
The people closest to you. You spend hours and hours with them and you never run out of things to talk about. A true friend will always be there for you, and they will never be afraid to join in on your weirdness.
Man, I have the best friends in the world!
there are very few real ones CUZ EVERYONE IS SO FAKE THESE DAYS SMHHHH so keep the real ones x
Are they really your friends or just a bunch mother fuckers in a group trying to make u do anything they want
Noah :Hey jack these are my friends
Jack pov: Great another mother fuckers to deal with in the future
A sexually produced terminal headache.
A: Have you heard of my friend?
B: Oh that friend. He's a douchebag. Whenever I see him, he never fails to give me an eternal CRINGE.
a species similar to a human known for stabbing people in the back after a year or so
thanks for that, thats what friends are for right?
yeaaaaa suureee
*1 year later*
Friends are people that you can trust with your life and know that it would be taken care of. Friends are the only people that cheer you up when you're sad. Friends are the people that will remain loyal through every storm