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The large roll/over hang of excess skin that hangs over a woman's flange

Fuck look at that Gunt on that cunt

by Thetesnonamesynused June 22, 2019


An obese lady where her Stomach(Gut) and Vagina(Cunt) are all in one, a fat camel toe

I am so mad I could kick her in the Gunt

by Timmy David September 15, 2010


Unusually a term used in Australia, the gunt is the protruding area of blubber that sticks out below the gut and above the cunt, connecting the two. Commonly mistaken as a foopa, foopas being cute and small whereas a gunt is saggy and unappealing.

Mari: “what sticks”
Shardae: “that’s my foopa
Mari: “no, that’s your gunt

by _4_4_4_4_ May 6, 2024


An area of fat on the body where the gut and the c**t have become one.

"I've put on so much weight I now have a gunt."

by Nick's Secret Santa October 29, 2017


When a Sheilas gut merges into her cunt.

"Geez Darren look at the gunt on the chick."

by bigbewbsciao March 27, 2020


When a girls gut hangs so far down it covers her vagina, then when they wear pants they pull them over their gut, thus, a gunt is born

"I seen this big bitch on the subway, shoulda seen the gunt on her!"

by whogivesafuckwhatimakemyname February 5, 2015


Seen in women where there is no defnition between the belly and the nether regions i.e. a cross between a gut and a c*nt. Otherwise known as a fanny belly.

F*ck me, have you seen the gunt on that?

by EasyFeez April 23, 2008