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pysco helicopter

Making your penis go hard and jumping around like fucking crazy

I was running down the street being a pysco helicopter

by Frank000 December 29, 2016

Shootin' Helicopters

When a boy/man, walks to a urinal, begins to urinate and waves his dick around the surface of the urinal as if to hit imaginary targets inside of the urinal. It can be quite entertaining to watch them spaz out while pissing.

Boy 1- "Did you see that guy in the bathroom?? WTF was he doing wavin' his dick around like that??"

Boy 2- "I dont know dude, maybe he was shootin' helicopters."

by Same_old_douche January 23, 2011

Helicopter Fish

A Helicopter Fish is a big huge fish with a blade in it's mouth. It spins it's blades in it's mouth to chop up prey.


by Spidey_Sences15 May 5, 2022

Helicopter technician

A technician who’s name is Dan and generally overweight and is a narsistic person. Will usually consume 5 pounds of carbs and will tip sideways to expel gas.

God dammit Dan! Quit being a helicopter technician, I’ve been doing this for 20 years.

by technician facts August 6, 2021

Yellow Helicopter

When you swing your penis in a windmill fashion while urinating.

Steve was so drunk that when Metallica came on he yellow helicoptered all over Roxane.

by PennyBabs August 4, 2018

Trumps helicopter

When you fart and spin your winky in the mist

Ayup! There's Marc Phillipps doing Trumps helicopter again, bloody weirdo!

by KirstyBob June 3, 2019

Helicopter Karen

The soccer moms are breeding ground for the particularly aggressive Helicopter-Karens part helicopter Mom, part Karen, their fear of being around other responsible Mom's and outing their shitty Mothering combined with their outspoken hatred of all things that impose on the fostering of their narcissism makes for an overly aggressive cuntiness that can rarely be restrained without red wine and bon bons

That Helicopter Karen just followed the soccer ref home shouting obscenities while calling the police because the ref reminded her 6yr old son to tie his shoes.

by Gymsmyth September 18, 2020