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1. A person who imitates or copys someone else's looks or actions.

2. A person with bad intentions pretending to act inocent.

One of us is an imposter.

by Cyan_on_the_dictionary February 25, 2022


The bad guy in the among us game

Green: Purple is the imposter
Orange: yeah he is hella sus, probably faking his tasks
Green: Everyone vote purple
Purple: Fuck you guys

by Meredith the gay clown November 6, 2020


when drinking the among us potion, you turn into the imposter!!!!

when the imposter is sus!!!!! bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum

by imposter69420 March 16, 2021


someone you cannot trust but the same time they are trustworthy

you were the imposter!!! I trusted you!!

by jas567 October 29, 2020


what is an imposter? an imposter is an amogus.

*GF and BF are playing Amogus*
Gf: Babe…are you the imposter?
Bf: NO!
*GF dies in Among Us by BF*
Gf: YOU LIED! You were Imposter.
*Gf and BF break up*

by quack.em November 4, 2021


imposter is a character from a game called among us

John:"my mom just died of a heart attack"
Kevin:"haha sussy red imposter balls"

by StepOnMeChilde November 10, 2021


A thing you think is funny proving more that you need to touch some grass.

Michael: "Hey Jake you want to know what's really funny?"

Jake: "What?"

Michael: "The imposter from among us!"

Jake: "Go touch some grass for once Michael."

by Bmob avoN December 10, 2021