neutral: A person who desperately desires a certain (usually more sexually active) lifestyle, that they are unable to achieve, but don't want to get over it.
In reality: one of many sexist slurs used by entitled narcissistic women and their harem of submissive white knighting cucks to demean/discredit/silence non-submissive and/or single (often "low SMV") males for being in any way critical of them, venting about their life hardships, or for existing and not groveling/white-knighting - even if they aren't looking for a relationship with said narcissists.
It makes little sense. Often used alongside the arrogant statement: "why do you hate women" (self-assigned representation of entire sex, hive-mind collectivism style) - just because she happens to be a narcissist (who's been systematically culturally reinforced as such), that only accepts existence of subservient men, but not reverse (narcissist man + submissive women). To that the only (same mental gymnastics) answer is: "why do you hate men".
You might as well not exist - according to the aforementioned groups of people; but this logic works in all directions for everyone equally: if you don't fit someone in every way they want, then you might as well not exist for them.
How dare you criticize queens, why do you hate women you incel.
neutral: A person, who desperately desires/stresses over certain sexual lifestyle and relationships, that they are unable to achieve.
In reality: one of many sexist slurs used by entitled narcissistic women and their harem of submissive white knighting cucks to bully and silence non-submissive and/or single (often "low SMV") usually males for being in any way critical of them, venting about their life hardships, or for existing and not groveling/white-knighting/idolizing (like said submissives are doing) - even if they aren't looking for a relationship with said narcissists.
Often used alongside: "why do you hate women" (arrogant self-assigned representation of entire sex, hive-mind collectivism style) - just because she happens to be a narcissist (who's been systematically culturally reinforced as such), that only accepts existence of subservient men, but not the reverse (narcissist man + submissive women). Then the only answer is: "why do you hate men" (same mental gymnastics).
You might as well not exist - according to the aforementioned groups of people; but this logic works in all directions for everyone equally: if you don't fit someone in every way they want, then you might as well not exist for them.
He doesn't have a gf, he must be gay/incel/fuckboy/creep/hates women/misogynist.
How dare you criticize queens, why do you hate women you incel.
neutral: A person, who desperately desires certain sexual lifestyle and relationships, that they are unable to achieve.
In reality: one of many sexist slurs used by entitled narcissistic women and their harem of submissive white knighting cucks to bully and silence non-submissive and/or single (often "low SMV") usually males for being in any way critical of them, venting about their life hardships, or for existing and not groveling/white-knighting/idolizing (like said submissives) - even if they aren't looking for a relationship with said narcissists.
Often used alongside: "why do you hate women" (arrogant self-assigned representation of entire sex, hive-mind collectivism style) - just because she happens to be a narcissist (who's been systematically culturally reinforced as such), that only accepts existence of subservient men, but not the reverse (narcissist man + submissive women). Then the only answer is: "why do you hate men" (same mental gymnastics).
You might as well not exist - according to the aforementioned groups of people; but this logic works in all directions for everyone equally: if you don't fit someone in every way they want, then you might as well not exist for them.
He doesn't have a gf, he must be gay/incel/fuckboy/creep/hates women/misogynist.
How dare you criticize queens, why do you hate women you incel.
neutral: A person, who desperately desires/stresses over certain sexual lifestyle and relationships, that they are unable to achieve.
In reality: one of many sexist slurs used to derail or evade a discussion or criticism by dragging vaglidation and copulation into it.
Used by entitled narcissistic women and their harem of subservient white knighting cucks to bully and silence non-submissive and/or single (often "low SMV") usually males for being in any way critical of them, venting about their life hardships, or for existing and not groveling/white-knighting/idolizing women (like said submissives are doing) - even if they aren't looking for a relationship with said narcissists.
Don't like criticism about fem -> calling them misogynist/incel -> which itself is slur/shaming/criticism -> therefore, by their own dumb logic, they hate all men; it's ironic. It's anti-individual + main character syndrome - people arrogantly assume they represent everyone (of their sex) - which they use to hide behind, instead of facing any personal (or smaller subgroup) criticism.
He doesn't have a gf, he must be gay/incel/fuckboy/creep/hates women/misogynist.
How dare you criticize queens, why do you hate women you incel.
A person, who desperately desires certain sexual lifestyle and relationships, that they are unable to achieve.
In reality: one of many sexist terms used by normie psychopaths to bully and shame (out of a discussion) single (usually low 'sexual market value') usually males, even if they aren't looking for a relationship or aren't having 'incel behavior'; especially when they're venting about any hardship or unfairness to themselves in general, critical about women in general or about whatever she's just said specifically.
"incel behavior" is a stereotype of an assertive reaction to having your sexual fantasy not fulfilled (other's sexual treatment of you) - by trying to (sometimes publicly - to "play the crowd"): demean/humiliate, shame/slander, all of which is usually 'it's not me - it's you' logic, for example when: getting sexually denied (in a decent way), or someone isn't as actively interested in you as you want them to be, or isn't giving you the type of attention; To save own ego, to validate your schizo social fantasy - 'social perception' of you by others as a 'valid sex option'.
Usually happens when you want them to be a certain way for you - e.g. submissive or simping - and they aren't, but you're too much of a narcissist/control freak to let go and move on.
He doesn't have a gf and denied me he must be gay/incel/creep/fuckboy/creep/hates women/misogynist. - denied version.
How dare you to criticize me/my queen you incel. - control freak woman / simp version.
A guy who gets no bitches
Megamind: “oh wow ur sons turning out to be a fine young incel!”
His mom:” not by choice :(“
a member of an online community of young men who consider themselves unable to attract women sexually, typically associated with views that are hostile towards women and men who are sexually active.