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Knocked Up

"Knocked up" is slang for "Impregnating"

Though it is generally used negatively, in certain "ghetto" settings, it is a compliment to tell a girl her boyfriend knocked you up. No one is sure why, but many believe it is a compliment for implying that said boyfriend is attractive/sexually potent.

"You're flyboy got me knocked up/impregnated me"
"Thanks, girl! He is a looker!"

by mj tragic February 6, 2014

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Brothel, whore house, the sex equivalent of maccas (dollars for dick dunks)

"oii Ghandi ya mad cunt drop us off at the knock shop & ill give you a 5 star on uber"

by VB2560 June 12, 2019

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Knock it out

In the most basic of explanations, it means to cause a sex-induced coma. The goal is to fuck someone so well, that they fall to sleep and are late for work on a Monday when it's only Saturday.

MAN CALLING HIS GIRLFRIEND: "I hope you got another sick day, cause I'm about to knock it out."

GIRLFRIEND: "I'm on my way!" (doing 100mph)

by Moody G July 26, 2008

42๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

Knocking it out

having a quicky, like f*cking in the bathroom

My roommate walked in as we were knocking it out in the kitchen.

by John Deere June 9, 2004

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bomber knocked

to be punched anywhere on the body unexpectedly; as to surprise and or stun the hell out of the punchee !

"dude i totally bomber knocked the shit out of chad"

by matt rickman July 26, 2009

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Niggle Knock

A Niggle Knock is a person of the black persuasion who happens to enjoy niggle knock activities, such as: Domino's, street dice, aggressive rap, poorly cooked chicken, women who are at least 70 pounds overweight and talking loudly regardless of the circumstances.

Look at that niggle knock, he's had far too much chicken.

by Hairy Jewospher July 13, 2010

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knocking an arrow

Someone who has the onset of the craps which are creeping out, while pushing upon thong underwear.

While riding four-wheelers with our friends in the woods I had to "go bad" and while I was pulling down my thong underwear I was told I was knocking an arrow!

by CJNS March 11, 2007

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