A gathering of 'lads' who think they are 'hard' but they aren't
Let's have a lad gav mate!
We're having a lad gav on Saturday
The gathering of males
Undertaking male bonding actvities such as drinking, banter, sports etc
No Girls (unless hitting on them)
LADS HOUR this weekend on the toown.
Stands for Looking for Alot of Dick Ballin. When a male is ballin out but his purpose is to attract members of the same sex.
Hey, did you see the rims on that truck?
Yeah, but that guy is LAD Ballin.
When an older man engages in a playful tugging of a lad's balls.
Old man McCarthy sure did give Timmy a good LAD Ballin.
an australian wanker close to eshay.
wears satchels and takes low level drugs. sags their shorts and commonly refers to sex as a root. rarely has girlfriends and mostly has “things” with girls. never homosexual and prodominatly white. travels in packs and wears nike adidas champion ect. always wears branded caps and branded shoes. says “up the” and “what the”. gets offended being called eshay do calls themselves lads. never EVER shows face in photos. it’s part of the religion. starts fights.
that’s an aussie lad right there
Coined famously by Billy D’Arcy, a background lad refers to the guy within each group who has zero substance due to his shit chat
Guy 1 “small players take small swings”
Guy 2 “you’re a background lad”