(Brian, you're such a faggot, you need to legally seek(s) it)
Behaviors, circumstances, situations, etc., perpetuated by administrative courts, judges, magistrates, clerks, attorneys, and/or law enforcement that are nonsensical, foolish, or contemptible.
Look at the legal fockery this BAR Card attorney is spewing in this ridiculous demand letter!
50,000,000 in defense of those affected by the fentanyl epidemic and vulnerable will defend with needed force in any confrontation best with letters and chaos
Those legally mandated mandatorily engage
Nope. No conflation here. I'm maintaining a pretty consistent standard here.
Hym "Nope. I set the bar at legally incompetent. No conflation here."
Judged to be unavailable to make rational decisions on their own behalf.
Dumb whore "I fucked a retard that is legally incompetent."
Hym "That makes you a retard molester. What you 'believe in' molesting retards."
Yeah... See? Shouldn't be fucking.
Hym "Yeah, the legally incompetent should NOT be fucking is my whole thing so that ain't on me."
( Noun )
Used to describe a teacher who does whatever he/she wants, knowing you can't do anything to stop her/him.
I'm tired of Mrs.Felps acting like a Legal Dictator. Reason why I brought this knife to school.