An infamous gang that rules the world from the underground
Steve, be careful as they look like that they are part of Melon Squad
A girl named Melody that is nicknamed Melon from her friends. She is very sarcastic and extremely caring. She loves the color blue and she uses Social Media.
Melody the Melon is so funny!
When you dip your balls in melted candle wax and you take them out. The balls become very smooth and firm. Soon after the dried wax starts to fall of and your balls get smooth and greasy.
I love when I get smooth melons, it makes me feel like I'm a baby again
A now-banned Jewish method of execution. It entails taking the removed foreskins of young boys and wrapping them around the head of a criminal; until said criminal's head bursts in half like a watermelon with alot of rubber bands around it.
Adriel was full meloned in the town square this morning as punishment for killing his wife.
When you press your tits up against a window
She didn’t just flash me, she melon squashed.
A sexual act where a man gives himself a titjob with a woman's melons while his butt is positioned either on or near her face. The "yelling" aspect is induced by the man farting or defecating on the woman's face which will likely lead to yelling unless she's into that sort of thing. In that case the Yellin' Melon cannot be properly achieved.
Ethel: "Oh my God Gertrude, why did you break up with Archibald?"
Gertrude: "He pulled a Yellin' Melon on me last night... after having eaten Indian food."
Fruit that tastes nothing like honey and everything like dew.
"I love the taste of honeydew melon!" Said no one ever.