A man who sees nothing wrong in sleeping with multiple women simultaneously, concealing one from the others without a hint of guilt. The term ‘multi’ suggests the progression from being a two-timer to engaging in more complex forms of infidelity. Women can't be multi-timers by nature of their gender that requires more fidelity: it's easier to call them "sluts" and move on.
Multi-timers are more akin to "manwhores" but slightly more honorable, as the latter are only into infidelity because they're lowlifes. Multi-timers just need more time to settle in their lives, so are looking for more choices in women. It's like when you browse the shelves of a supermarket, you don't really buy everything you see.
Randy is seeing Paula while making out with Molly, who's been sworn to secrecy about Paula. Molly readily obeys due to her own lack of moral compass. Randy also recently went to Las Vegas, indulging in threesomes with prostitutes. He's currently texting one for future encounters, all unbeknownst to Paula or Molly. Needless to say, neither of Randy's regular girls has a clue about his Vegas exploits.
Randy recently met an exchange student from the Czech Republic. They seemed to connect well, even making out at his office! Now smitten, Randy is planning a European vacation, possibly with Paula. While she enjoys Paris, Randy might travel to the Czech Republic to propose to his new girlfriend. This could lead him to unceremoniously drop his past girlfriends.
Basically, Randy is a multi timer.
tuning more than one bitch at once
to get into multiple pairs of pants.
The act of tuning is to be really nice to a girl and tune her so she is ready for you to make a move and not reject you
To be on the multitune usually requires skill and many different technologies. it is most successful when the girls dont know each other
On facebook chat
Boy: Hey babe
Girl: Hey
Boy: <3
On Sext
Boy: Hey babe
Girl 2: Hey
Boy: <3
Boy 2: Whats doing?
Boy: Not much just on the multi-tune
Boy 2: Get some !
multi swiping is a term self harmers use when they cut themselves twice or more in the exact same place making the wound deeper.
i tried to multi swipe and it really hurt
2👍 1👎
When a pregnant woman gives birth, and loves the feeling of it so much that they insist on it being forcefully shoved back inside the vagina to give birth again.
Why is your head shaped like that?
Because my mom performed a Turkish Multi-Birth!
Adj: Being multitalented or having a multi-faceted personality.
Like how in some memes, you are given 4 pills to chose one from, each granting one wish, desire or ability. Taking the MULTI-Pill is as if you took MULTIPLE of them. It's a wordplay of "Multiple" and "Pill"
"She is baddie material, mommy material, and also wifey material. She really is Multi-pilled.
Multi Thousandaire: Net Worth Estimated at $100,000-999,000.00 Dollars.
Ima Nulti Thousandaire: I just spend ah $100 Thousand Dollars on a whip Ima multi Thousandaire
If you're a slag from dewsbury and you need something to do.... Feel free to find a resident from different nations and take em home for a massive orgy and hopefully get pregnant to multi-nation babies for higher benifits
Just got home from a Dewsbury multi-banger... We had guys from every nation