Eating in the modern era that we live in rather than suffering for no good reason. A diet consisting of burgers, ribs, shakes and fries. A complete rejection of fad diets like "paleo" and "gluten free". Living life like it should be lived, in the modern era.
Being on the Flintstone Diet is the only diet for me. All the other fad diets are completely ridiculous. Give me a beer with those fries please. It's okay, I'm on the Flintstone Diet, and I exercise regularly and eat in moderation, so no worries.
Going a period of time without actually eating just living off liquids and powders.
Last weekend in Hoboken was crazy I was up for three days on an astronaut diet.
A term used to described a story or series that replicates elements of the Five Nights at Freddy's series for an underwhelming payoff.
The Walten Files was basically diet FNAF.
A member of Generation X who is starting exhibit some of the qualities of Baby Boomers.
My parents are so annoying; they are diet boomers.
When you try to shed some timber and a colleague or family member asks if you fancy some cake or any other heart attack inducing snacks.
(man 1.) My healthy eating plan was going so well before some stupid cow in the office waddled in, armed with some of the finest cakes ive ever seen... i snaffled the lot...
(Man 2.) damn bitch, what a f*cking diet pirate!!
A diet consisting of fast foods only, which will eventually lead to your demise.
Dude, that fat fuck must be on a Mac Diet!
The DJ Diet, as it's commonly referred to among members of the EDM scene, consists of long periods of time without sleep, drugs as sustenance, and (usually extremely unhealthy) food whenever you're finally hungry, if it's around at all.
Obviously this is a very unhealthy way to live, but when one speaks of the DJ Diet, they do so with an ironic and undeserved sense of accomplishment and self-worth.
"Man, you look tired."
"Yea dude, been on the DJ Diet for like a week. Time for a cheeseburger and a nap, then it's back to work."