1- Parent's fourth-cousin.
2- Fourth-cousin's child.
My fourth-cousin-once-removed is a good person.
1- Great-great-great-grandparent's sibling's great-great-grandchild / Parent's fourth-cousin.
2- Great-great-grandparent's sibling's great-great-great-grandchild / Fourth-cousin's child.
My fourth-cousin-once-removed is a good person.
1- Parent's fourth-cousin.
2- Fourth-cousin's child.
1- Child of their parent’s half-pibling with the other parent’s pibling.
2- Child of their parent’s half-nibling with the other parent’s nibling.
3- Child of their parent’s half-pibling with the other parent’s nibling.
4- Child of their parent’s pibling with the other parent’s half-nibling.
5- Parent's sesqui-first-cousin.
6- Sesqui-first-cousin's child.
My sesqui-first-cousin-once-removed is a good person.
1- Child of cousin (parent's niece) and of granduncle (other parent's uncle) at the same time.
2- Child of cousin (parent's nephew) and of grandaunt (other parent's aunt) at the same time.
3- Child of cousin (parent's niece) and of cousin (other parent's nephew) at the same time.
4- Child of granduncle (grandparent's brother) and of grandaunt (other grandparent's sister) at the same time.
1- Child of cousin (parent's niece) and of granduncle (other parent's uncle) at the same time.
2- Child of cousin (parent's nephew) and of grandaunt (other parent's aunt) at the same time.
3- Child of cousin (parent's niece) and of other cousin (other parent's nephew) at the same time.
4- Child of grandaunt (grandparent's sister) and of granduncle (other grandparent's brother) at the same time.
5- Parent's double-cousin.
6- Double-cousin's child.
1- Child of their parent’s pibling with the other parent’s pibling.
2- Child of their parent’s nibling with the other parent’s nibling.
3- Child of their parent’s pibling with the other parent’s nibling.
4- Parent's double-first-cousin.
5- Double-first-cousin's child.
My double-first-cousin-once-removed is a good person.