Doctoral School Computer Science
New program for doctoral students at university of vienna
Here are information on the new DoCS.
A really chunky dog that makes green juice out of his testicles.
Damn that girl is chunky like doc!
You need to loose some weight or you are going to be obese like Doc.
DocK holds the world record for the largest known stomach without tummy tuck. MEASURING A MEASLY 700 lbs. DOc had a good upbringing having his friends teach him how to each a lot of food. Doc also tends to use his peener to each lobster tails off his own gaping hole.
You are so Doc (you are so fat)
Code word for penis by combining 2 words dick cock this is used by the hip crowd to conceal the actual meaning of the word.
My girlfriend thought she was being sneaky by saying I'm just going to stay home tonight and get ready for my doc appointment tomorrow.
A nickname for men named Landon, they also have a 47 inch penis.
Hey, look at Doc, that man pulls women.