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new word order

the ‘new wording and wordbending’ discipline for the creative minded.

Novus Ordo Verborum” is Latin for “New Word Order

by kelamist August 10, 2018

Truman gave the order

Expression used when one needs to take a shit..... aka drop a bomb

"Where is the bathroom? Cuz Truman gave the order."

by j-dub watson March 14, 2009

Law & Order SVU

The best spin-off of Law & Order. And the best show in history very addicting but also very disturbing

Person 1: what's your fav tv show
Me: Law & Order SVU its soo addicting

Person 1: (sighs) you watch that shit?

by Jane...Doe August 1, 2017

17👍 1👎

Fate Grand Order

Acronym: FGO
Another mobile game
That reaally
Makes you salty
And pray for rng
Cuz of its rng

Person 1:Did you get Scatacth on Fate Grand Order?
Person 2:No my luck sucks hard

by NotaFaggotLikeYou November 28, 2017

38👍 5👎

italian restraining order

A baseball bat. Serves the same purpose as a regular restraining order, just much more convenient and much more violent. Used to get someone to leave you alone

That dude wouldn't stay away from me, so I took out an italian restraining order on him!

by ParkRoote April 11, 2008

58👍 9👎

New Business Order

An emergent trend in the world of business and corporates where big takes over many smalls engaged in a variety of industries among other practises

New Business Order is the New World Order! Just look at Google... first the cyberspace, then hardware... and now energy! What next? Google insurance and Google chocolate chip cookies?
*Larry Paige and Sergey Brin laugh manically in the background*

by Der Gelb Baron July 28, 2010

306👍 73👎

New world order

The new world/new normal/new order some people try to tell everyone they are living in is what the New world order is trying to establish, and if people allow it instead of wake up and fight, that is what they will end up with.

The New world order is what happens when people are encouraged to forget the way things were and the way people were. There wasn't really much of an order until the New world world order came along trying to establish a new one and disturb everyone's peace.

by The Original Agahnim September 3, 2021

26👍 6👎