State that had sundown laws that made it illegal for black people to stay overnight in some towns. Also, had a large presence KKK members. It almost became a slave state.
Not the hipster paradise that it is now.
Dude one: Man, Oregon is paradise.
Dude two: Don’t be fooled. Not too long ago, if you were black you’d get kicked out of town before the sun went down.
Dude one: Night life must’ve sucked.
Ok state while no tax is good the highschoolers who think there tough there can suck a dick
When a girl is on top, you grab her by the hips, spin her around and slam it in the backdoor
"The other night I gave Amanda the old Oregon backcountry bouncer"
Following the 2020 decriminalization of most drugs by Oregon. The Oregon Trail is a line of coke so long that you die of dysentery half way through.
Did you hear about Johnny?
No, what happened?
Dude tried the oregon trail at that party...he didn't make it.
How'd he di- wait....don't you dare say it.
El Aaron and Senior Vredenburgh traveled the 2000 mile Oregon trail on unicorns.They killed multiple people on the way starting there Mexican mafia. Then 800 years later they started making wine in the lunch room with the grapes Senior Vredenburghs mommmy packed him for lunch. THE END.
El Aaron and Senior Vredenburgh traveled the Oregon trail which led to the start of the Mexican Mafia.
When ratchet girls touch their pregnant stomachs and take a selfie and you can see how gross the bedroom is behind you
Damn did you see Cayla's Oregon belly selfie she posted yesterday?
hipster boys, referring to skinny white boys with shaggy hair that are #edgy, paint their nails black, smoke pot, are excruciatingly sarcastic, and probably #sk8. but obviously they’re totally NOT pretentious.
her: yeah, he has old converse and smells like body odor but he’s sooo hot..
him: he sounds like an oregon-boy.