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Pullin' a Powell

"Pullin' a Powell" is a slang term used to describe the act of twisting one's testicles, often resulting in testicular torsion, a medical emergency that occurs when a testicle rotates, twisting the spermatic cord that supplies blood to the scrotum.

Legend has it that the term originated from a guy named Powell, who apparently had the unfortunate luck of experiencing testicular torsion a whopping 144 times.

Now, we're not entirely sure if this story is true or just an urban legend, but one thing is for sure - the term "Pullin' a Powell" has caught on in certain circles. It's become a shorthand way to describe that excruciating moment when your testicles take a wrong turn and end up twisted like a pretzel.

Symptoms of testicular torsion usually develop suddenly and can include:

Severe pain in the scrotum
Swelling of the scrotum
Nausea and vomiting
Abdominal pain
Testicle that is higher than usual or in an abnormal position
Pain in the lower abdomen or groin

Imagine you're playing a game of basketball with your friends. You go up for a layup, but as you come down, you accidentally land on your own foot and twist your ankle. You collapse to the ground in pain, clutching your foot.

Your friend comes over to check on you. "Dude, are you okay?" he asks.

You grimace and shake your head. "No man, I think I just sprained my ankle."

"Ouch, that sucks," your friend says sympathetically. "But at least you're not Pullin' a Powell."

You give him a confused look. "Pullin' a Powell? What's that?"

"Ha, you know, when you twist your balls. Like that guy Powell who supposedly did it 144 times."

You can't help but laugh, even though you're still in pain. "Oh man, I don't think I could handle that. I'll stick to sprained ankles, thanks."

Your friend chuckles. "Yeah, probably a good call. But seriously, you should ice that ankle and elevate it. And if it doesn't get better, go see a doctor."

You nod in agreement. "Thanks man, I appreciate it."

And with that, you limp off the court, grateful that you're not Pullin' a Powell.

by Roboscruffy May 15, 2023

Pullin' a Powell

Essentially its when you twist your bollocks.

The term "Pulling a Powell" derives from a man who once underwent testicular torsion 144 times.

Weather the story is true on not is not clear.

However its quite frequently used in niche corners of the world.

guy 1 "omg I've just Pulled a Powell"
guy 2 "wait have you just been caught Pullin' a Powell?"
guy 1 "yes. yes I have.

by Roboscruffy May 13, 2023


To overdue something

you are definetly pullin with that dumbass laugh.

by James hardaway August 19, 2019

pullin' a Duke

when a game keeps pushing their release date back, or refuses to announce it. In refrence to the video game "Duke Nukem Forever", which kept getting its release date pushed back for a decade.

Guy 1- "Do you know when The Old Republic is going to come out?"
Guy 2- "I don't think it will ever come out. Bioware is just pullin' a Duke on us"

by turtleFDV September 16, 2011

pullin a ty

when someone turns around and you take your shirt off and unbutton your pants and stick out your coc

wow she is pullin a ty

by pullinaty August 24, 2011

Pullin the hide

Don’t hold me so tight, you are pullin my hide. The duck tape stuck to my arm and pulled the hide off.

Something that sticks tightly and pulls your skin is an example of pullin the hide off. Appalachian slang term used in eastern ky Stop squeezing me so tight , you are pullin

the hide off .

by Mydogbuttermilk November 19, 2018

Pullin a cam

If only I was mico for a day. I'd fuck girls left right and centre🤧🤧

Lads I pulled a cam. I did mia....pullin a cam

by Bigboined March 30, 2021