Dang that lady just gave me some quality foods at the register
Adj. - Description of something that is required to be of high, utterly pristine quality. Something that must be perfection.
This diamond ring is NOT of Bader-quality
grainy, low quality image, pixelated
This picture is calculator quality but I am still feeling myself!
Used to show appreciation for something that will improve a situation.
Person 1: I've just bought us some lube for the orgy tonight!
Person 2: Quality milk.
Quality talk ist talk that diffentiates itself from normal talk through its quality .There are three different kinds of quality talk.
1) conversation where you have fun
2) conversation where you learn stuff
3) conversation where you have deep talk
Yesterday I had a really good Quality talk of type one.
Person A: "This is some good shit"
Person B: "I know, it's Whole Foods-quality devil's lettuce."