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Mississippi Queen

The hottest drink of hottest drinks. It wont taste bad at the start but youll trip fucking balls later, its common while tripping youll hear the song Mississippi Queen by Mountain and pass the fuck out in a park.

"Yo Rigby I drank the Mississippi Queen early and tripped fucking balls"

"Dude if Benson finds out he'll fire us"

by Regular Show Bro August 23, 2020

60๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Queen of Diamonds

A woman of ANY race who is mainly interested in Asian men.

Asian version of a Queen of Spades. Queens of Diamonds have a sexual preference for BAC (Big Asian Cock).

The woman can be single, or married, often to a non-Asian man, who concedes his wife to Asian men.

Often depicted by a symbol comprised of a diamond shape, like in a deck of cards, with a 'Q' inside. A Queen of Diamonds can typically be wear this symbol as a tattoo or on her clothing to indicate to potential Asian lovers that they are available to them.

That woman has a "Queen of Diamonds" tattoo on her shoulder. She must be interested in Asian men.

by Jimin BTS Suga January 9, 2023

302๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Crisis Queen

A Crisis Queen is someone who profits or takes pleasure in injecting themselves into an event of stress or calamity. They often have very little connection to the problem at hand but that does not stop them from swooping in and "helping out". The real problem is that they most often make the situation worse and can turn a small incident into a major headache. They can be either a man or a woman, a reverend or a minister. The Crisis Queen is related to Drama Queen but the CQ often has an ulterior motive and wants to see the situation get negative. They are basically a high profile ambulance chaser with higher stakes.

General Motors and the Unions were close to an agreement on their contracts until the Crisis Queens got involved. Now it looks like they're all headed towards bankruptcy.
As if we these poor flood victims weren't in bad enough shape, now the Crisis Queen has arrived and wants to blame the government for not stopping the rains.

by miwok April 8, 2009

69๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Queen of Diamonds

A woman of any race with a sexual preference for Asian men. The woman can be single or married, often to a non-Asian man, who concedes his wife to Asian men. Often depicted by a symbol comprised of a diamond shape, like in a deck of cards, with a 'Q' inside. It can typically be worn as a tattoo to indicate to potential Asian lovers that they are available to them, but can be worn as part of clothing or jewelry.

Did you know Mia is a Queen of Diamonds, I've seen her tattoo. You should ask her out.

by Jimin BTS Suga November 3, 2022

254๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

ice queen

A beautiful female who is, or appears to be emotionless, distant or unfeeling , as if her heart were a block of ice. An ice queen is hostile to most people except her family and a few close friends; she ignores other people. She rarely opens up to others and has a cold demeanor. Many people try to get closer to her but they fail most of the time.

And for the record, "ice queen" is not the fucking equivalent of Elsa from the movie frozen. Elsa's a (literal) ice queen but the defination of "ice queen" is not Elsa. Lol geddit

The new kid Kara's an ice queen. She attracts so many guys but stabs all their hearts by ignoring them when they try to talk to her.

by silibish August 9, 2018

159๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

queen out

To act uncharacteristically queeny or effeminate, especially when drunk or overexcited.

Frad: Maybe you would have had a chance with him if you didn't queen out so hard when that Ke$ha song came on.

Tad: You're probably right. No more tequila for this mo.

by Nicorette85 March 3, 2010

32๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

rocket queen

a fucking sexy Guns n Roses song

here i am, and you're a rocket queen, i might be a little young but honey i aint naive

by Laurakkkkkk September 7, 2007

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