When you say smd (suck my dick) and niggas say “what dick you got??” you can say sms ( suck my strap)
strap meaning: a fake dick/dildo that people use
stranger 1: yo your outfit is fuckin ass go change ho
stranger 2: go sms (suck my strap) stoopid whore, atleast ion got an nba youngboy ponytail like yo ho ass
A hell of a place labeled as a “school” where all the kids are either traumatized from other kids or oblivious to how fucking annoying they are. They’re all either obese furries that wear buttplug tails, neo-nazis, sped kids, annoying football and basketball kids, iPad kids, preppy girls or emo. The most interesting thing that happens is when a small fight happens and everyone records it or when the popular guy asks a popular girl to the dance only to dump her a week later. The teachers all fall into a few categories: Obese, woke, old women, pedophile math teachers and hot substitutes. The only interesting thing about this school is the excess of ugly ass haircuts the guys have
Types of kids:
6th grade girls: Think they’re in high school and vape and make TikTok’s in the bathroom
6th grade boys: Retards and football kids
7th grade girls: Hella annoying girls with no personality that are all pick me or emo
7th grade boys: They are the only ones vandalizing the bathroom
8th grade girls: Think they’re hot shit and have a body count of 12
8th grade guys: Pedophiles and neo-nazis
1: I go to sherwood middle school (sms)
2: kys