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Sandy Dick

The action of inserting a wrapped sand-paper dildo into the anus or urethra of a gay lover.

Insert that sandy dick in me! I want to shit blood!

by MechPencil October 16, 2013

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Sandy Sock

You put sand in your sock and cum in the sock and then you put it on and walk with it.

Man that Sandy Sock looks so nasty but I’m amazed Ted could walk with it on.

by J Pup December 24, 2020

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Pulling a Sandy

When someone is known for intending to attend a social event, but typically will have to bail for a standard family, work, life, reason at the last minute.

Friend 1: β€œHey Sandy you coming to my Whiskey Tasting on Friday πŸ˜ƒ!”
Sandy: β€œYou know it mate πŸ€™!”

Friend 1: β€œHey Sandy it’s time for the tasting, where are you 🀷🏻 β™‚οΈβ€œ
Sandy: β€œAw sorry mate, something came up insert obligatory excuse, etc. etc.. I’ll make the next one!”
Friend 2: β€œPulling a Sandy again I see πŸ˜…β€

by basstouch June 18, 2022

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Sandy Bandits

The greatest band on this planet. Performing at a venue near you. Come down for the greatest display of musical genius ever shown.

Sandy Bandits are my favourite band by far! They are definitely going to blow up and become very famous better hop on this bandwagon!

by HUngryHippos4Life November 27, 2020

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Sandy Chima

A sandy chima is self explanatory. Pretty much refers to dirty private parts. but doesn't have to mean sandy.

"get your sandy chima outta my face" "hey you wanna see my sandy chima!?"

by Melajuana Propps July 31, 2018

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Big Sandy

Town in the north east corner of Texas located on I20. Known because of the north/south switching station for railroads. Named after the town's rather large "madam" from the local whore house. Sandy was her name.

Yeah, going to head down to see 'Big Sandy' and see if I can't get same stank on the ole hang down.

by texymctexan March 19, 2011

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Sandy Susan

When you ride a chick at a beach and you get sand in her moist cave making it mushy and uncomfortable, but you keep fucking.

I gave Becky a Sandy Susan at the beach, and she was queefing dirt bullets all over my cock.

by Somebody March 29, 2005

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