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Sasha is pretty, smart and very attractive but can also be annoying at times.
She can help with many things that occurs in the world. She makes miracles happen.

Sashas friendly and always gives full attention.

by April 26, 2022


dino's girlfriend

I'm sasha, therefore I date dino

by not the sun November 28, 2021


The woman I love to hate that feels the need to cunt me off any chance she has and takes great pleasure in this every fucking day why me lord

Sasha smug blond woman cute smile cut you if you turn your back

by DSJ666 November 23, 2019


The gorgeous gorgeous girl inside out that everyone brought the bad side out of. Treat her right and give her some love and affection and she’ll show the sweet girl she is

Person: “Damn should’ve given you a chance instead of listening to the rumors about you.”
Sasha: *smiley face*

by urmomlovesmebutyouhateme May 26, 2022


A Sasha is a kind of person to magically make you gay and then end up dating you for 3 years. She is funny, annoying as fuck and great to have around . Everyone needs a Sasha

Sasha is a bitch but I love her.

by Piggliewink February 19, 2022


A dumbass dyke that's never admits when she's wrong. She has anger issues and when she gets pissed off she will punch the first thing she sees. Shes always losing shit, and might have ocd or adhd. Sasha is also a

hard-core bottom and will deny it despite knowing damn well she is (she's also 100% a woman twink). Shes short af and climbs on shit to feel powerful, but she also weighs less than a feather and you could easily pick her up like nothing.

Person 1: "who's that scrawny bitch ontop of that playground structure laughing maniacally ?"

Person 2: "fuck, Sasha's doing it again. I'm gonna go grab the water hose"

by Sash.lame June 25, 2023


a girl that talks a lot of shit and is a whore

“yo is that sasha”

“yea bro i heard she talks a lot of shit and is passed around
“sasha got caught fucking in the bathroom yesterday”

by analia right February 26, 2022