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a fucking liar, with no heart, he will fuck you over without a beat, once your close enough he'll mess you up and fuck around with your trust, never become friends with a set its not worth it

seth: I'm really sick.
me: omg im so sorry
(3 months later)
mother: seth passed away in surgery
(after bawling eyes out)
seth: it was a joke I'm not sick
me: fuck you we're not friends anymore

by justmedontworry August 17, 2020

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Is a very emo, but also very confident guy; generally keeps to himself unless politics are involved; plays computer games for fun, like Club Penguin or Animal Jam: Never knows when to stop running his mouth

Girl 1: God, Seth is so political

Girl 2: Yeah, he's a real stand up guy, but he just can't shut his mouth.

by Crymyselftosleep February 14, 2017

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Boto licker. Super gay fag

I once knew a seth

by Meriumwebster808lololsuckaD April 3, 2019

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A small pussy boy who enjoys coons

Kiarra isn’t gay. She doesn’t find Seth he doesn’t suit her fancy.

by Turtle bitch May 26, 2018

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an ass

seth is an ass

by sethhater23 February 6, 2019

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Seth is a stupid guy that doesn’t have any friends

Oi that Seth is an idiot

by Ilive December 9, 2019

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A gay coloured man

That Seth is such a gay fuckterd

by Queen Thot Slayer . I fuck u August 20, 2019

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