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social EULA

An agreement people must accept in order to breathe. Most people don't bother to read it.

You agreed to the social EULA which means your complaints are null and void.

by Queen Buttrix December 22, 2020

Social Whore

(Noun) One who runs their entire life based on social events and networking. Related to the Social Butterfly.

Nicole: I need to check my Facebook and see what events I have coming up. If I stay home, I might lose it!

Renee: You are such a social whore.

by YouGotGronked87 November 22, 2011

social wanking

Pleasuring yourself to people you have added as friends or friends of friends on social networking sites.

Dude, I haven't been able to leave my house for days because of the pics people have posted of the bikini party and I have been social wanking all day.

by Satthew Manders October 29, 2009

40๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

social anxiety

An anxiety disorder characterized by extreme self-consciousness in normal social situations, including the fear that one is being judged or observed by all those around them. Social anxiety causes people to fear being humiliated or embarrassed much more than is normal. People with social anxiety disorder know that their fear is irrational and yet still avoid any situation in which they may be evaluated or judged.

Social phobics, like those with Avoidant Personality Disorder, may develop defences against their fears, such as denying that they fear social situations or defending themselves through insensetivity.

Holy crap, a factual entry into Urban Dictionary?!

A person with social anxiety may avoid public speaking.

by Lord of the Pies March 25, 2006

499๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž

Libertarian Socialism

Not an oxymoron. In fact, the term "libertarian" was first used by a French anarcho-communist back in 1857 to describe himself (an anarchist). The modern term libertarianism (economic freedoms) was originally called liberalism. The term "libertarian" describes liberty (thus, the term is also used to describe metaphysical liberty within philosophy and metaphysics), and the term socialism describes a society in which wealth is fairly distributed. Thus, it is neither a literal nor a practical contradiction.

A libertarian socialist would argue that a society based on such huge disparities of wealth is unfree. If you wish to enter into employment, you choose first and take orders later (as with liberal democracy). Libertarian socialists believe in voluntary association and economic democracy. This will allow the individual to reach his/her full potential.

The most famous example of successful libertarian socialism is the anarcho-syndicalist experiment in Spain during to Spanish Civil War, which was eventually destroyed by Communists and Fascists (see Orwell' "Homage to Catalonia" for excellent first hand reportage of this). At its peak, the anarchist union (CNT) had one million members.

Although sharing much of (if not all of) the Marxist analysis of capitalism, lib socialists vehemently oppose state socialism, especially the authoritarian socialism of Lenin, Trotsky, Mao and, more recently, the socialism of Hugo Chavez. The modern dispute between the two schools of socialism began in the First International, in which Karl Marx and Mikhail Bakunin bitterly argued over the road socialists should take. This dispute has continued ever since, with many Marxist regimes imprisoning, murdering (Russia), and exiling (Cuba) anarchists.

Modern advocates of libertarian socialism include linguist Noam Chomsky, historian and playwright Howard Zinn, and the Industrial Workers of the World ("One Big Union"), and the International Workers Association (of which the Spanish CNT is its largest affiliate).

by Anarcho-Atheist October 4, 2008

1288๐Ÿ‘ 208๐Ÿ‘Ž

social cancer

A cancer of the mind becomes indifferent to felons being bussed in to vote for more socialism

A cancer of society that sits on its hands when children are slaughtered moments after conception -- an atrocity that makes abortion seem insignificant

Socialism causes social cancer. Evil campaigns for socialism.

by IBleedForCountry July 31, 2011

1009๐Ÿ‘ 156๐Ÿ‘Ž

Socially lazy

A potential social butterfly but is a nerd as well and does not like socialising.

Is often quite, except with his/her friends, only social butterflies will try to be friends with this person, while he is really accepted by everyone.

While often accepted by everyone, they are not accepted by people they actually like, mostly because they are confused with a social carcinogen.

Joseph: "Hey Hannah do you wanna go out with me?"

Hannah: "I don't go out with people who are socially lazy."

by wingwinder November 24, 2009

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