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sour cream

Nick name given to people who have a common name spelled uncommonly.

Guy 1: Hey girl what's you name.
Girl 1: Alexus but spelled with a u.
Guy 1: Really...... well i will call you sour cream instead.

by bigbird's bitch April 18, 2011

18πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

sour noun

when you take a bag of "famous amous" cookies and hold it upside-down. the letters should form the words "sour noun"

the blue letters on the bag that say "famous amous" are the ones you look at to see "sour noun" when held upside-down. therefor when ur called "sour noun" refer to yourself as black.

by aris argyros June 11, 2006

6πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Sour grapes

A term used to describe why some people hate others. Originating from a classic novel, sour grapes has adapted to being a frequent term used when one can’t get the fruit (beautiful girl, great job, significant money) and so they discredit crucify and condemn it to feel better.

Girl 1: β€˜That girl so pretty’
Guy 1: β€˜Yuck she probably has rabies’
Girl 1: β€˜Oh did she say no to that date? Sour grapes much?’

by MikeIam April 26, 2019

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Sour Cootch

The choice name for a person acting the fool; a misinformed individual; dummy

Can also be a person who does cocaine, loves Murs unconditionally, anyone who says " I spit my game and talk my shit"

Karissa quit being such a sour cootch.

by rebelsoulchile December 1, 2010

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sour candy

The best thing known to mankind

Bro: have you tried sour candy

Bro2: they the bomb!

by Flamincheetos June 18, 2017

12πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Sour Dough

When your forehead looks like its been jizzed on allll over.

He fell asleep and he had the worst sour dough face. TG

by Blumpy McBlump March 22, 2006

17πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

sour patches

a series of things a person must do to gain someones forgiveness.

Did you hear Mari ate a lizzard as a part of her sour patches to Nicholle?!?! Ew.

by Imsorryjo! June 11, 2010

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