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Nataley Stewart

Nataley Stewart is the most amazing girl in the whole world. She is unique and you could never find a girl quite like her. She is incredibly beautiful inside and out. Her gorgeous looks and sweet personality make her a girl any guy would be lucky to have. She’s loving, caring, supportive, and affectionate. She is all around amazing and her boyfriend adores her. She’s the cutest most adorable thing in the world and will always be Dean’s princess. Nataley Stewart is a blessing in anyone’s life who meets her.

“Your an angel straight from heaven Nataley Stewart, and you changed my life forever” - Dean

by DFG2004 November 26, 2019

Mr Stewart

The other teacher everyone's scared of, elite at art (especially the paint medium) and often be very mean. He makes the weirdest comparisons of students to animals and art classrooms to animal enclosures.

"Dude Mr Stewart said that this is an art classroom not the Beijing Hyena enclosure!"

by veryspecificschoolreferences November 24, 2021

Rod Stewart Old

Someone who thinks they’re hot shit, even at such an “old” age.

Dude, my grandpa is sooooo Rod Stewart Old, like we get it, you fought in a war, big deal.

by Dad is looking January 26, 2020

stewart nipples

To insult someone,usually a inside joke kinda calling someone stupid gay hoe!!!

Look at the hermaphrodite, it looks like a stewart nipples.

by Mr. Crabs has crabs October 4, 2019

Kristen Stewart

An overrated and mediocre actress, while her recent movie such as Spencer that came out recently was somehow acclaimed by critics for her portrayal of Princess Diana, her other films such as Twilight just boring and lifeless (or not terrible). Moreover, she tries to be superior than any other actress, claiming she wants to best actress in the world, and yet failed to do so. She isn't closed enough to the top actress such as Charlize Theron, Emily Blunt, Emma Watson, or etc. Plus, she is a spoiled brat, PERIOD.

The best way to scare the crap out of her is to bring horses whenever you see her, as she had an Equinophobia, the fear of horses. To end this definition, she is a hypocrite, she claims that other actress are not beautiful and talentless, yet she herself show the exact opposite.

Kristen Stewart is a definition of hypocrisy and degenerate.

by The-dirtydancingdude November 22, 2021

Bradly Stewart

The kid of guy who fucks shit up this guy is so lonely he hasn’t had a girlfriend in 7 years 3 months and 9 days

Bradly stewart is a fuch in trash can that aunt had trash

by Bradly Stewart him self June 19, 2018

John Stewart

Upcoming rising star with gibraltars finest, Also leads the Cathcart boys to victory with his prestigious coaching and extreme training methods to achieve perfection, his favourite player is starlet Goalkeeper CK who saves all the shots and scores only bangers

Ginger John Stewart is a wank

by CFootMafia June 24, 2021