1. A jock strap that is too tight to be allowed.
2. A jock strap that traces its origins to the numbchucks as street brawl weapons
1. The man's choke strap turned damp and scarlet after much strenuous exercise.
2. There were 3 guys in an alley way. One guy had a gun. One guy had a knife. They got their asses kicked by the guy with the choke strap.
get fucked josh lmao strapped with the dodie
A lesbian baseball game or lesbian softball game played on city parks and school fields mostly around Vancouver BC.
I went to the ballpark today to watch some little league, but there was strap-on baseball.
When a woman or girl wears a racer-back or t-back tank top over a regular bra.
This results in double strappage and the bra straps are clearly visible going straight up the back while the tank top has arched straps.
Girl 1: Melissa has racer straps right now.
Girl 2: I know, she does it to show off that she wears bras or something.
When a girl pretends to "jerk off" wearing a strap on
Courtney was so drunk she started strapping off
A beard that has been shaped to look like a chin strap of a helmet. Ironically, the only people who choose to go with a chin strap style of beard are themselves by definition, helmets.
"You see that bawbag Dean has grown a 'beard?'"
"No way, what's that stinking swamp donkey gone with?"
"A fucking Chin Strap , looks a right cunt"
"Damn, what a cunt"
"Aye, he's a cunt"